www.jamesmainwaring.com Contact: jmainsax@gmail.com | Instagram: @jmainsax
Tone Clock Visualiser
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The tone clock visualiser is a tool for exploring trichords and diminished tetrachords in 12-tone rows, though it can be used creatively in many ways. To begin, select a trichord from the panel above and click any drop zone in the grid below to place it. Use the dropdown menus to choose starting notes for each trichord. Add more rows using the "Add Row" button to create longer sequences.
Press "Play Notes" to hear your sequence, or use "X4" to hear and see three diminished tetrachords arranged chromatically around hour X. Adjust playback speed with the tempo slider. Use "Clear All" to start fresh or "Replay" to repeat the sequence. Your work is automatically saved between sessions. Create as many rows as you like to build extended melodic patterns.
© James Mainwaring